The Ultimate Guide to Selecting Good Keyword for SEO


Generally a good keyword can be defined in different ways. There can be targeted or board keywords. Most of the time the general term yields a higher search rate than the other terms but the top search engine ranking for a particular keyword phrase will provide you with a higher conversion rate. It depends upon which site would you like to achieve both the board or general keyword phrases or the good keyword -india for the search engine optimization SEO project.

Board and Targeted keywords

Let’s start with the targeted keywords. These terms are something specific that your site offers. For example , Bruce Clay Inc offers an internet marketing Services. This includes a variety of subjects but one of them is natural engine optimization service.

 In this the term search engine optimization is a targeted keyword which reflects the specific service. Using the targeted keywords like this will help the search engine to know your site is about many different topics, some are related and some are not. But once the search engine optimization knows about your website it may display your website in the result set for the targeted keywords.

Board Term describes what you want to describe , but not to the detail level just like the target term does. If we use the Example of bruc clay this company sells online marketing. As all the services are part of online marketing we can use the board word to describe what the website does as a whole. Using these types of words has the potential to attract more visitors to your sites , but if the visitors see that that site is not showing what they are looking for . The user will immediately leave the site because your site does not contain information that the user was looking for.

Which Keywords Should I Target for SEO?

 So what makes a good seo keyword? The answer to this question is both Targeted and board keywords. The search engine bull associates some specific keywords with the more general phrases and using the keywords on your site will help you to make your website to become an authority on a subject that you have talked about. If we start with the targeted keywords and become Expert on them then automatically we will become an expert for the general terms too.

Using targeted terms like SEO services, natural search engine optimization and PPC management and web analytics will help us to become experts about those individual topics in search engines. Once you have become expert in all these topics then search engines will say that you have become an expert in the broader topic. Which will ultimately define your website theme and establish your sire as an authority.

What Makes a Good Keyword?

So whether you have a search tool or either you are working from the scratch of knowledge or know how, here are the seven things you should consider when picking the good keywords -india for your content.

Search Engine

Search volume is the number one queries for specific keywords to get on the search engine. It matters when you pick the keyword as you don’t want to make content for the topics which nobody searches for. What is the point? Sure you will get the top spot but with the result of zero viewers will not bring you any traffic.

So when we say high search volume and low competition it means many people are looking for the particular content but only a few sources are talking about it. This will make it easier to get your content to the top of the search engine results ,grab Traffic and get the leader of your topics.

Brand Relevance

When you are picking keywords, think about the topics which best represent your brand products and the services. Some of the writers will write anything apart from the topic in order to increase their content volume. But the quantity does not matter how you are representing your content to showcase the brand. So always run for a better quality not for the quantity as it will give you better results.

Search Intent

During the keyword selection , you must know what the Audience is looking for online. It is very important to know what they are searching and the marketers called it a search intent. So only choose those particular topics which are most searched by the audience this will help you to get more traffic.

Conversion Rich Content

While picking the relevant keywords it is very important to choose the one who encourages the conversation form the audience. The best way to find the conversion rich keywords is to look at every stage of the marketing funnel and to determine what to do so that the people get There.

Some contents will show about the brand’s but to make the people eager to buy or purchase something it depends upon the contents. So if you know the marketing funnel then you will know how to attract the individual towards your content.

Hard Competition

Competition is everywhere. SEO will help you in getting the right keyword , approval and rank higher than your competitors. There are some keywords in which the competition is high and in some competition is low. So search for the high search volume with low competition keywords this will help you in targeting the people what they are looking for but not the other sources are talking about.

Gap Target

Another way to be a great competition is to look for the gaps in the content marketing strategy. The content gaps are the topics, keywords and areas which you can cover in your pieces. They are mostly relevant and match the audience’s search intent. Many of the gaps are high search volume with a low competition which will make a good keyword-india.

Keywords Type Balance

You should always make balance in both types of keywords that are seed keywords and long tail keywords. The seed keywords have more competition and the long tail keywords have low competition. By making balance in both types of keywords will help you in getting the most from your content marketing and also provide you more organic traffic.

Final Thoughts

In the end, what makes a good keyword – india? So to have a good keyword is to make a choice from the search engine, seo and many other tools are mentioned above. So please read it carefully in order to get high traffic and seo in your content.


All the information given about good keyword -india is well researched and are all for informational purposes and in no way do we encourage the usage of third party platforms and privacy. Instead , we recommend our readers to use safe and legal platforms.

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