A Beginner’s Guide to Elasticsearch: Getting Started


Some answers to the question “What is Elasticsearch?” include “an index,” “a search engine,” “an analytics database,” “a big data solution,” “it’s fast and scalable,” or “it’s kind of like Google.” These responses might either clarify things for you or put further doubt on your understanding of the technology, depending on how experienced you are with it. However, Elastic attractiveness stems in part from the fact that all of these responses are accurate. Elastic search and the ecosystem of components that has grown around it known as the “Elastic Stack” have been use for a growing number of use cases over the years, ranging from simple search on a website or document to collecting and analyzing log data to a business intelligence tool for data analysis and visualization. Let’s find all the answers to this.

What is Elasticsearch?

Elasticsearch is a search engine built upon the Lucene library. It is a distributed, multitenant full-text search engine that supports HTTP web interfaces and schema-free JSON documents. Elasticsearch is write in Java and is dual-license under the (source-available) Server Side Public License and the Elastic license, with some parts falling under the proprietary (source-available) Elastic License. Official client members are available in Java, NET(C#), PHP, Python, Ruby, and a variety of additional languages. According to the DB-Engines rankings, Elastic search is the most popular enterprise search engine by users.

How Elasticsearch Does It Work?

Elasticsearch organizes data into documents, which are JSON-formatte chunks of information that represent entities. Documents are arrange into indices, similar to databases, base on their characteristics. Elasticsearch searches efficiently by employing inverted indices, a data structure that maps words to document locations. Elasticsearch’s distributed architecture allows for rapid search and analysis of enormous amounts of data in near-real-time.

To better grasp how Elastic search works, let’s go over some fundamental ideas about how it organizes data and its backend components:

Logical Concepts


Documents are the most basic sort of information that Elasticsearch can index, and they are represent using JSON, the worldwide internet data interchange format. A document can be thought of as a row in a relational database that represents a specific entity, such as the one you’re searching for. In Elasticsearch, a document can be any structure and JSON-encode object, including text. Data may be numerical, string, or date-based. Each document is given a unique ID and a data type that identifies what kind of entity it is. A document could be a web server log or an encyclopedia article. 


An index is a collection of documents that share common characteristics. In Elastic search, an index is the most advanced entity that can be queried. Consider the index to be the same as a database in a relational database schema. Any documents in an index are often logically related.

Inverted Index

Elastic search indexes are invert indexes, which are the methods use by all search engines. It is a data structure that contains a mapping between information (such as words or integers) and its location in a document or set of documents. It is essentially a data structure that is a hashmap that directs you from word to document. Instead of explicitly storing strings, an inverted index breaks up each document into discrete search phrases, or words, and then associates each search term with the documents in which it appears.

Backend Components

  1. Cluster
  2. Node
  3. Shards
  4. Replicas

Elastic Stack

Elastic search is the foundation of the Elastic Stack, which consists of open-source technologies for data intake, enrichment, storage, analysis, and visualization. It’s commonly referre to as the “ELK” stack, which stands for Elastic search, Logstash, and Kibana, and now includes Beats. Despite being primarily a search engine, customers began utilizing Elastic search to store log data and wanted a simple way to ingest and view it.

What Is Elasticsearch Used For?

Now that we have a general grasp of Elasticsearch, the logical concepts that underpin it, and its design, we can see why and how it may be utilize for a number of purposes. Below, we’ll look at some of Elastic search’s most common use cases and present examples of how enterprises are now using it.

  • Application search – For applications that rely extensively on a search platform to access, retrieve, and report data.
  • Website Search—- Elastic search is a valuable tool for effective and accurate searches on websites with a large amount of content. It’s not surprising that Elastic search is gaining traction in the site search domain.
  • Enterprise Search—- Elastic search supports enterprise-wide search, including document searches, E-commerce product searches, blog searches, people searches, and any other type of search you can conceive of. In fact, it has gradually invaded and supplanted the search solutions of the majority of the popular websites we visit on a regular basis.
  • Logging and log analysis — As previously note, Elastic search is widely utilize for ingesting and processing log data in near-real time and at scale. It also delivers critical operational insights into log metrics for driving actions. 
  • Monitoring of containers and infrastructure metrics —- The ELK stack is widely use by businesses to analyze different metrics. This could entail collecting information on a number of performance metrics that change depending on the use case.
  • Business analytics—- Many of the built-in features of the ELK Stack make it an excellent choice as a business analytics tool. However, there is a significant learning curve for deploying this product in most firms. This is especially true for firms with many data sources other than Elasticsearch, as Kibana only works with Elasticsearch data.

Why Is Elasticsearch Popular?

According to this poll from Stackshare, the following are the top reasons why developers and enterprises select Elasticsearch:

  1. API is powerful.
  2. Great search engine.
  3. Open Source
  4. Restful
  5. Search in near real-time, for free, and across all topics.
  6. Easy to start.
  7. Analytics
  8.  Distributed 


So, what is Elasticsearch? In this essay, we sought to address that question by explaining what it is, how it works, and how it is utilize, yet we’re still only touching the surface of what there is to know about it. But, based on what we’ve covere, we can summarize briefly that Elastic search is, at its core, a search engine whose underlying architecture and components make it fast and scalable, sitting at the heart of an ecosystem of complementary tools that, when combine, can be use for a variety of use cases such as search, analytics, data processing, and storage. 

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