What is Understanding Private IP Addresses


As technology is getting advanced In the world of growing technology and the internet everyone is familiar with IP addresses and IP ports. There are so many combinations of IP addresses. Let’s look into such a combination in this article we will go to know more about this IP address we will try to understand about this IP? What does IP mean? and lookup details about IP . By the end of this article we will have good knowledge of what address is all about.

What is an IP address?

IP address is a unique address that helps in identifying a device on the internet or a local host network.  IP stands for internet protocol. Internet Protocol means a set of rules in which data will be passed through the network with the help of the internet.

IP addresses help in exchanging data. With the help of IP addresses we can differentiate between different devices, computers, routers and websites. An IP address contains a string of numbers separated by periods. IP is expressed as a set of four numbers like Each number ranges between 0 to 255. It ranges between to

Types of IP address 

There are different categories of IP address within each category they have different types 

Consumer IP address 

Each individual or business has two types of IP address i.e their private IP address and public IP address. Private IP addresses are use inside the network and Public IP addresses are used outside the network.

  • Private IP address: Private IP addresses are those addresses that are assign to a device on a network, but it is not accessible from outside the network. It is the non-routable address of a device assign by the network. Each and every device that connects through the internet has an individual IP address; it includes computers, smart phones , and tablets.
  • Public IP address: Public IP addresses are those addresses  that are assign to a network and can also be access from outside the network. It can be access by any network or device. It is primarily associate with the whole network. Public IP addresses are provided to the router by the ISP(Internet service provider).
  • Public IP address: Public IP address comes in a two form:
  • Static IP address: Static IP address is a fixed IP address that doesn’t change over a time period. Static types of addresses are generally use for servers and other devices. Static IP address is a 32 bit number assign to a computer address on the internet.
  • Dynamic IP address: Dynamic IP address is a variable type of IP address assign by ISP for a short duration that changes after a few times. These addresses are assign by a router or dynamic host configuration protocol. 

Understanding it is a private IP address. is a proxy connection with high risk and abusive behavior or recent SPAM blacklist activity.  IPQS has rated this IP address as high risk with a score of 92 out of 100. One should be very cautious when a transaction is  originating with a IP address. IP address lookup details 

IP Address172.16.50.4
Fraud score (IP Reputation)92- (High Risk)
Mail SPAM Block List IP reported as blacklisted
Proxy/ VPN DetectionProxy/VPN detected
Bot Activity Not seen associate with bots
ISP Private IP address
IP Connection TypePremium required
Latitude N/A
CIDR IP Address Subnet172.16.50.4 / 24

What is a proxy connection?

Proxy connection is basically a way of accessing the internet through proxy servers. It acts as a firewall. Using a proxy server provides us benefits such as security and privacy.


After reading this article we can have basic knowledge of what is IP address as well as good knowledge of IP address and about its types. We have also discussed various lookup details about the IP address.


All the information provided above is for education purposes and with the sole intent of sharing valuable information. We do not perform any misleading information and respect the privacy of each individual. For more such information we can do your own research.


What is a proxy connection?

Proxy connection is basically a way of accessing the internet through proxy servers.

What is a fraud score of

92 out of 100.

Types of IP address?

There are different types of IP address:
Public IP address
Private IP address
Static IP address  
Dynamic IP address

How many bits does IPv4 and IPV6 have?

IPv4 has 32 bits address length and IPv6 has 128 bits address length.

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